When facing problems, Dentists deal with oral cavity pathologies, often depending on incorrect prostheses, and therefore due either to a wrong design or to materials used. Very often, the following periodontal and paraprosthetic diseases are encountered: margin phlogosis, epithelial junction detachment, grove deepening with onset of pockets and bone retraction, as wel as light tattoing due to the characteristics of the metal used. Researches performed to find out the Actiology of these lesion, have led us to consider the importance of the metallic ions released by prosthetic devices constructed using precious alloy, which present oxides in their structure deriving from the traditional working processes. in the light of these probelms and with the support of scientific researches in this field, a new product has been devised: if used by following a special protocol during the working processes of prosthetic devices made of precious alloys, it will eliminate the presence of those oxides responsible for ion releasing. .
Oxides are the condition for the onset of corrosion processes, since they release potentially toxic ions and induce electrogalvanic phenomena responsible for electro- corrosion.
This preliminary remark helps to understand how the presence of oxides, both on the metallic surface of the alloys and also inside them, is responsible for creating micro- fissures in the crystalline reticulum, where corrosion processes can start, even in depth; in this case, the alloy becomes a micro-porous support that can facilitare the formation of bacterial plaque. which is responsible for the reduction of pH values, thus favouring the corrosion processes through the oxides found in the metal.
Il treatment by TTSV.GEL (Thermal Treatment under Vitreous Layer) improves the metallographic features of the alloys used, since it increases their resistance to chemical corrosion and electro-corrosion, eliminates electrogalvanism, increses compactness of the crystalline reticulum, improves the superficial polishing degree, and therecfore results in a dramatic reduction of plaque formation.